
How To Set Up A Brackish Fish Tank

How to Set Up a Brackish Water Aquarium

"What is stagnant water?" yous may ask. Brackish water aquarium is a unique and special blazon of aquarium as it is neither regular freshwater nor saltwater. Merely put, this is a mix of saltwater and freshwater ecosystems in an enclosure.

In nature, brackish water forms when freshwater meets with seawater. Thus, creating habitats that are a mix of saltwater and freshwater. Stagnant water occurs in coastal streams, estuaries, and mangroves.

Before setting up a stagnant h2o aquarium, you lot should larn about the features and requirements equally information technology is not the aforementioned as a saltwater aquarium but very simple and non too different than a freshwater aquarium. You will need the post-obit equipment for brackish water setup:

  • tank,
  • filter,
  • lighting system,
  • heater (optional),
  • air pump,
  • substrate,
  • marine table salt mix,
  • RO water,
  • hydrometer or refractometer,
  • test kit.

This article explores a footstep-past-step process of setting upwardly a typical brackish water tank.

Nuts: Brackish H2o Aquarium Requirements

It is essential to understand that stagnant h2o has more salt than ordinary freshwater; however, it is not as salty as seawater.

For comparison, the reef or saltwater tank has a salinity level of effectually 35 ppt or 1.026 specific gravity (SG); meanwhile, freshwater is around 1.000 SG (less than 0.five ppt).

Every bit we tin can see, stagnant h2o is a pretty wide term. Technically, nosotros can use this term to describe any water whose salinity is between that of fresh and marine water.

In reality, though, aquarists usually do non piece of work with that range of salinity. The chief trouble is that there are not many Euryhaline animals (fish, shrimp, venereal, snails, etc.) and aquatic plants that can tolerate such fluctuations.

That is why, in the aquarium hobby, the salinity of stagnant water environments oft ranges between 0.five ppt (SG = 1.0004) and 12 ppt (SG = 1.010).

Every bit e'er, our goal is to replicate this in a brackish water aquarium. Also, note that stagnant water too has a higher PH and alkalinity than typical freshwater.

Other brackish h2o requirements include

  • pH: 7.5 – 8.5
  • Alkalinity: 10 — 18 KH
  • Temperature: 72 – 82 °F (22 – 27 °C)
  • Nitrate: < thirty ppm
  • Nitrite: 0 ppm
  • Ammonia: 0 ppm

Pace 1: Planning (Tank Size, Location, Budget, etc.)

This is probably the most important step because information technology can assistance y'all to save nerves, time, and coin.

You need to sympathise the size of the tank you want – consider your budget, type of materials ( glass or acrylic ), the space and place available in your home, size of fish and inverts you intend to continue, temperature, etc.

All these factors will help y'all make a proper conclusion. Here are some useful tips.

1.1. Tank Size

Empty shrimp tankIn setting up a brackish h2o aquarium, there are no limits.  Generally, the merely deciding gene here is the size of the animals and plants to be housed in the aquarium.

For beginners, I'd recommend starting with at to the lowest degree 10-gallon tanks (forty liters) and at that place are many reasons for that:

  1. Information technology is easier to maintain h2o quality in bigger tanks considering the larger water book dilutes the waste matter products mode ameliorate.
  2. It can be very difficult to create a proper hardscape in small tanks.
  3. Information technology is easy to overstock in small tanks. In many cases, it may cause ambitious behavior.
  4. In a small tank, it can be hard to create a natural environment in which your animals volition thrive.

Basically, the tank should provide enough room for increased activity (swimming or crawling space) for the fish and invertebrates.

Remember, the bigger the tank, the easier information technology will exist to look after.

1.2. Shape of the Tank. Length or Peak

Again, the shape of the tank should depend on the species you are planning to proceed.

For example, invertebrates (shrimp, venereal, lobsters, etc.) prefer long tanks to tall ones.  Dissimilar fish, they demand mostly a place to clamber from side to side, not up and downward.

1.3. Location of the Tank

A expert location is crucial. Do not place the tank virtually air vents, doors, and windows that get direct sunlight.

A proficient spot should provide easy access to the tank, aslope the plumbing and other components. It also should be near an electric outlet and in an area that is able to tolerate a water spill.

For more than information, yous tin can likewise read "7 Tips for Shrimp and Fish Tank Location".

Pace 2: Cleaning, and Testing the Tank

We need to make clean and test any tank before using it. Yeah, even if it is brand new! There is nix worse than finding out that the tank is leaking. Cleaning

We tin use bleach, vinegar, or hydrogen peroxide for that.

  1. Spray the chemic on the walls.
  2. Let it sit for x – 20 minutes.
  3. Launder it off properly (repeat it at least ii – iii times to remove everything). DO NOT use soap, information technology can leave a residue in the tank and nosotros don't want that.

Related article:

  • How to Clean and Disinfect Used Aquariums and Accessories.

2.ii. Leaking Test

Do that to be sure that the seams of the tank are non damaged.

  1. Put some newspaper underneath the tank.
  2. Fill it with water.
  3. Await for 1 24-hour interval.

If you practise not see any wet spots on the paper, the tank is safe to employ and you are good to become.

Related article:

  • How To Prepare A Leaking Aquarium With And Without Draining

Footstep 3: Substrate Choosing Substrate

How To Set Up A Saltwater Aquarium - live sand and crashed coralsWhen choosing the type of substrate to be used in the brackish tank, information technology is appropriate to mimic the natural stagnant environment every bit much as possible.

Important: Substrate is not just a decorative piece, it also serves as part of your biological filter as it provides a viable medium for nitrifying leaner to colonize, and harbors many micro creature.

Crushed coral and aragonite sand are pretty pop amongst brackish water aquarists because it helps to maintain the water hardness and pH levels.

Sand or plain gravel are good substrate options besides. These two materials can be mixed and used in the brackish water aquarium.

Annotation: Soil is not recommended for brackish h2o tank setups as it tends to lower pH .

3.2. Preparing Substrate

Practise not only dump it correct away!

Sand and gravel often contain lots of debris (grit and dirt). And so, if you forget to rinse it, your tank can plow into an uninhabitable cloudy mess.

Note: Even so-chosen "pre-rinsed" or "pre-cleaned" substrates tin comprise grit, droppings, dust, or other residues in the numberless from the workshop they were packaged in.

How to Ready Sand for Brackish Tank

  1. Place it into a bucket and spray the sand with a hose.
  2. The excess water will run out of the bucket and the water volition exist cloudy and dirty initially.
  3. Keep rinsing. Y'all will discover that the h2o volition run clearer.
  4. If yous think that sand is clean enough –rinse information technology again for a few more minutes!

How to Prepare Gravel for Brackish Tank

  1. Put the gravel into the bucket.
  2. Fill the bucket with tap h2o. The water should completely cover the gravel.
  3. Stir and motion the gravel effectually (use a stick if necessary).
  4. Leave it in the bucket for v – 10 minutes. It will soften upwards any grit and debris that may be on the gravel.
  5. Stir and move the gravel around one more than fourth dimension.

3.3. Adding Substrate to the Tank

You will need to spread and maintain a thin substrate layer, ideally nearly 1 – 2 inches (two.5 – five cm) at the bottom of the brackish aquarium.

Make certain that the aquarium substrate is well-distributed and level at all sides. You may besides place smooth pebbles, stones, twigs, tree roots, and driftwood as seen in natural brackish environments.

To ameliorate visual perception, aquarists frequently create a little camber to give the aquarium a fiddling more depth.

To accomplish this result, make information technology a petty higher in the back and lower in the forepart. Because of this play a trick on, the size of your tank will look larger.

Stride iv: Brackish H2o

Sea salt productsIt is crucial to use the marine common salt mix as against regular aquarium table salt. I repeat, never use freshwater aquarium salt to make brackish h2o.

Ocean salt will replicate natural stagnant chemistry, and it should exist mixed with RO/DI h2o in the right amounts to achieve the desired salinity.

Skilful ocean salt brands include ( link to Amazon ):

  • Instant Ocean & Reef Crystals Reef Salt (probably the most popular option),
  • Seachem Marine Reef Table salt,
  • Kent Ocean Common salt,
  • Coralife Marine Salt and
  • Tropic Marin Bio-Actif Body of water Salt.

4.1. Preparing Brackish Water

Every bit I accept already mentioned, the ideal salinity for this kind of aquarium ranges from one.005 to 1.010 SG (upwardly to 12 ppt).

To achieve this, we usually should add about ⅛ cups of salt for each gallon of fresh water in a plastic bucket. Use a good hydrometer or refractometer (link to Amazon) to take accurate measurements.

  1. Stir the water properly.
  2. Bring the water to the desired temperature.
  3. Let it sit for about 20 – 30 minutes.
  4. Stir again to ensure that the salt is entirely dissolved and evenly distributed.
  5. If the salinity level is high, add more freshwater, and if it is too low, add more than marine salt mix.

Tips: Make certain to calibrate the refractometer for the first time and later using it a few times, use a calibrating solution. To ensure a true reading of the salinity of the water, practise not forget to wash the refractometer with RO/DI water before and afterward using information technology.

4.2. Adding Brackish Water

The water is now ready to be transferred into the stagnant tank — identify a bowl inversely on the substrate and pour the h2o on its surface slowly to avoid dislodging the substrate bed.

Is information technology possible to use tap water for a brackish tank?

Aye, it is possible just non recommended!

The main problem with tap water is that it contains impurities ( phosphates , nitrates, silicates, iron, copper , etc.) that are harmful and frequently lead to outbreaks of nuisance algae and dead animals.

In addition, considering of impurities, information technology will be difficult to create a proper mix of tap water with marine salts.

Equally nosotros can see, the adventure is huge and the pick is yours.

Step 5: Aquarium Equipment

This includes the addition of an efficient:

  • lighting system,
  • filtration,
  • heater,
  • air pump or powerhead. Lighting Organization

Any high-quality lighting arrangement that would brand the tank come to life and enhance the aesthetical appeal of the interior is ideal.

Simply if yous plan on calculation picky animals or demanding live plants into the aquarium, consider their lighting needs earlier acquiring aquarium lights.

Lighting sources for the tanks include Lite-emitting diode, fluorescent lamps, and T5/T8 lighting. If plants are added to the tank, ensure that the light is rubber and its output is sufficient to promote their growth, coloration, and development.

Read more about it in my article "Avant-garde Guide to Planted Tank Lighting".

5.ii. Filtration

How To Set Up A Saltwater Aquarium filtration with skimmerFiltration is critical in stagnant water tanks equally it is in other aquarium setups. It will keep your tank clean, and maintain the nitrogen cycle . Thus, an efficient filter unit of measurement needs to be present to handle the filtration needs of the brackish water tank.

Viable options include:

  • Hang-on-back (HOB) filter,
  • Sponge filter,
  • Corner filter,
  • Under gravel filter,
  • Trickle filter
  • Canister filter.

So, what filter is the best for the stagnant tank setup? It can exist really confusing, particularly, if you are new to the aquarium hobby.

In my opinion, considering the specific needs of this tank setup, such as: salinity, ease of apply, safe, and budget –I would recommend taking a look at canister filters or hanging on the back filters.

All the same, a canister filter would do an excellent chore, specially if yous have a sizeable brackish water aquarium with a high bioload.

Tip: Always opt for a more powerful ane. For instance, if you have a 15-gallon (60 liters) tank, choose the filter, which is rated for at least 20 gallons (80 liters). The departure in money is minimal but the benefit is huge!
Some examples (links to Amazon):

  • Fluval 407 Performance Canister Filter
  • Aqua Articulate – Fish Tank Filter

Related article:

  • Everything about Beneficial Leaner in Aquariums


Of import: Unlike filters, only choose the heater appropriate for your tank size. If the heater is larger than what your tank actually requires, it may lead to overheating and ultimately – "cooking" your animals.

I strongly recommend using only adjustable heaters. It is just more practical. If you have a preset heater in your tank and it's non heating it to the proper temperature, then there's no mode of adjusting information technology if information technology's preset.

Also, make sure that the heater tin can be used in fresh and saltwater aquariums.

Do your research regarding the creature or institute species you lot are planning to keep ! It is quite possible that you will not need the heater.

For example, on this site you will detect that many invertebrates adopt the temperature in the range of xx – 24 °C (68 – 74 °F). Basically, nosotros can say that they do not need a heater.

Nonetheless, keep in listen that, it only takes 1 big fluctuation in temperature that can potentially cause your animals to suffer from temperature daze.

Related commodity:

  • vi Popular Heaters for Pocket-sized Tanks. Pros and Cons

Example (links to Amazon):

  • Eheim Jager Aquarium Thermostat

5.4. Air pump and Powerheads

Install your air pump or powerhead to provide oxygen or sufficient menstruation and water movement in the tank.

At that place are manufacturer instructions on how to install these types of equipment.

Example (link southward to Amazon):

  • AQQA Aquarium Wavemaker Apportionment Pump
  • Tetra Whisper Easy to Use Air Pump for Aquariums

Step 6:Cycling the Brackish H2o Aquarium

Earlier introducing fish and other aquatic critters into your brackish water tank, it is essential for the tank to successfully embark and consummate its nitrogen cycle, which often takes several weeks.

The end of the cycling process makes the aquarium safe and stable for the addition of aquarium fauna.

At that place will be loftier ammonia and nitrate at the early cycling phase in the aquarium water.

The essence of cycling is to convert ammonia into nitrite and nitrite into less toxic nitrate.

This happens afterward benign bacteria has formed in the tank, and within four-six weeks, the bacteria break down harmful ammonia and nitrite into nitrate. Practice not change your filter during this time.

This step is a vital one in setting upwards a successful brackish h2o aquarium.

Exam for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate every few days and record the results in a log. Patience is the single most important here. The tank has properly cycled when the ammonia and nitrite levels are undetectable, i.east. 0 ppm.

Suppose this process takes a lot of time; in that case, live bacteria supplements like Tetra SafeStart, API QuickStart, and Nutrafin Wheel may be added to increase the bacterial populations, hastening the wheel rapidly.

Stride 7: Choosing Your Brackish Water Animals

Below yous volition encounter some examples of fish and invertebrates that tin can tolerate dissimilar levels of salinity. However, it does not mean that you lot can switch them from freshwater to brackish water in a affair of hours!

We have to understand that in one case they adapt to live in stagnant water equally juveniles or adults it may be hard to acclimatize them to freshwater (and vise versa) without adverse effects (like decreased lifespan, actress sensitivity, etc.).

Acclimation from freshwater to brackish or from brackish to freshwater should have days or weeks!

7.1. Examples of Invert Species for Brackish Water

Crab species Salinity Tolerance
ane. Red claw crab 1.002-ane.010 (as adults)
1.015- ane.0188 (every bit larvae)
2. Fiddles venereal 1.005-one.021
3. Ninja shrimp 1.000-ane.005 (as adults)
one.0128- ane.0188 (as larvae)
4. Cerise Nose shrimp 1.000-1.0113
five. Opae Ula shrimp i.008 – 1.018

7.2. Examples of Snail Species for Brackish Water

Snail species Salinity Tolerance
1. Chopstick snails 1.002-1.010
2. Horned Nerite snails i.0038-1.0075 (as larvae)
3. Nerite snails one.0038-1.0075 (as larvae)
iv. Hairy snails i.0038-1.0075
5. Black Devil snails 1.002–1.025

7.3. Examples of Fish Species for Brackish H2o

Not every type of fish can adapt in a brackish water aquarium setting. Yet, some popular freshwater fish, e.g. Guppies and Mollies (Poecilia sp.), can also tolerate and adapt to low brackish h2o, even though they don't actually need salt in their water.

Common brackish water fish species include:

Fish Species for Brackish Water Salinity Tolerance
6. Knight Goby (Stigmatogobius sadanundio 1.001-1.005
7. Effigy-viii Puffer (Dichotomyctere ocellatus) ane.000-1.005
8. Skunk Goby (Redigobius balteaus) 1.002-one.008
9. Spotted Puffer (Dichotomyctere nigroviridis) i.005-ane.020
10. Bumblebee Gobies (Brachygobius spp.) 1.002-1.006
11. Colombian Shark Catfish (Ariopsis seemanni) 1.010-1.020
12. Monodactylus argenteus 1.005-1.025
13. Gilded Puffer (Auriglobus modestus) 1.005-1.010
14. Orange Chromide (Etroplus maculatus) 1.005-ane.010
15. Mudskippers (Periophthalmus spp.) 1.003-1.015

Important: Before yous buy a new fish or invertebrate, make sure to research and learn about the salinities they can tolerate and their temperament, beliefs, feeding, and temperature needs.

Choosing Your Brackish Water Plants

It is no secret that plants add together a lot of life and vitality to the aquarium, providing an almost natural habitat for the fishes by making their life super comfy and enjoyable.

Some easy-to-grow brackish water plants include:

Institute Species for Brackish H2o Optimal salinity levels
 1 Marimo moss balls (Aegagropila linnaei) up to i.0045 SG
 2 Anubias (Anubias spp.) up to 1.005 SG
 three Java fern (Microsorum pteropus) up to ane.0075 SG
 4 Duckweed (Lemna modest) up to 1.005–i.007 SG
 v Vallisneria sp.(Americana and spiralis) up to ane.0068 SG
 6 Dwarf Water Lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) upwards to ane.0019 SG

Make certain to acclimatise these plants slowly to stagnant water before calculation them into the brackish water aquarium. Failure to exercise this may cause the live plants to melt in the tank.

Related commodity:

  • 30+ Brackish Water Plants

Introducing Fish to the Brackish Water Aquarium

  1. Exam the water parameters and ensure they are ideal afterward the cycling procedure.
  2. Here, it is appropriate to introduce i fish at outset and see how information technology adapts.
  3. After some time, test the aquarium water over again, then add a few more gradually.
  4. Calculation as well many fish at a time can cause the brackish h2o tank to wheel all again due to the increased release of toxic waste matter (ammonia) in the h2o.


Brackish water tanks require routine maintenance to go along the ecosystem stable and good for you for the aquarium inhabitants.

Maintenance takes the course of changing the water regularly, cleaning the filter and tank, wiping and testing equipment, and engaging in frequent h2o testing to ensure the appropriateness of the water parameters, etc.

Tank cleaning involves scrubbing/wiping the aquarium walls to remove algae, cleaning the ornaments, changing the filter media, and vacuuming the substrate regularly. Also, change the aquarium h2o from time to time; a fifteen% h2o change every week is advisable. This activity would help maintain excellent water quality and go on the nitrate at the ideal levels.

Retrieve to always mix the aquarium h2o externally before adding information technology into the aquarium. Never add salt mix straight into the aquarium; doing then will harm your critters.

Usually, water will evaporate from the tank, thereby increasing the salt concentration in the aquarium. So height up the loss with freshwater, and endeavor to test the water from time to time using a refractometer or hydrometer.

When the salinity level drops or elevates considerably, you lot run a risk losing your aquarium animals and live plants. That said, you should strive to continue the water salinity at the correct levels at all times.

Is it Possible to Transform the Tank from Freshwater to Stagnant?

The short answer is yes.

The near important affair here is that this process should not be rushed. If you exercise it slowly (over a catamenia of at least several weeks) information technology will non hurt the beneficial leaner and disrupt the nitrogen cycle.

  1. Instead of freshwater, use brackish water during regular water changes (fifteen-25%).
  2. The changes should be slow. For example, at first, your tank h2o needs to become 1.003 (or five ppt). Afterward that, you can increase the salinity to i.006 (or viii ppt), etc.

Should I Use Freshwater or Saltwater Test Kit for Brackish Tank?

Unfortunately, there are no exam kits on the market which were designed specifically for brackish water tanks.

Therefore, the answer will depend on the salinity level.

For example, for low to mid salinity levels, API customer service suggested using freshwater test kits for brackish tanks every bit the table salt water colors do not show the correct readings as the freshwater color cards practise.

Nonetheless, if salinity is more than one.015 SG (or 20 ppt) and then the salinity test kit can be more precise.

In Conclusion

If you have a freshwater aquarium and fancy a new challenge — consider keeping a brackish water aquarium. This aquarium setup offers a unique environment suitable for animal and establish species with a reasonable degree of salt tolerance.

We hope this guide provides you with all the vital data required to successfully ready and maintain a stagnant water aquarium in your home or part.

How To Set Up A Brackish Fish Tank,


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